Front entry ice dam problem solved with VersaScreen IceBlaster Pro!
Much of today's architecture contributes to difficulty with ice dams. Dramatic gable ends create valleys. Often, these valleys funnel water right at the front entry. In the summer, the water is easily handled by the gutters and adequate downspouts. However, winter adds a level of difficulty to the mix. As snow melts from solar gain or heat loss, the melt water flows down to the valley and then to the gutter. There is where the trouble starts. With below freezing temps, the gutters cannot easily move the water as it refreezes. The cycle repeats until and ice dam is formed. If gutter protection is involved, the ice dams build on top of it and icicles inevitably form. This poses a real problem when it is at the front entry. Slip hazards, excess salt being dragged into the
house, and other problems are created.
The picture here shows VersaScreen IceBlaster Pro along with EMS heated valley panels effectively solving the problem. Here are the comments from the homeowner. "Just wanted to let you know how well the work that you did at our Trillium Lane, Slinger property last fall is working. I am beyond pleased halfway thru winter. We have had zero ice buildup thus far. After battling ice dams in three homes over near 40 years of home ownership, this is the first time I believe we have a solution. Might be the best $$$$ I ever spent."
This project was installed in the late summer of 2013 in Wisconsin. The winter of 2013-2014 was one of the worst in a very long time. The extreme cold coupled with the many snowfalls led to the failure or poor performance of the standard zig zag heat cable systems so commonly used. VersaScreen IceBlaster has proven time and again to be an effective gutter protection system in all seasons.
Posted by Eric Stoffers
Wednesday, March 5, 2014 5:51:00 PM